copy masters from one computer to another using import export feature in tally
In last lesson we learned about how to copy masters from one company to another from the same computer. Here we are discussing how masters can be copied from one computer to another computer there are two options to do this?
Copy masters from one company to another in same company (click the link to see how), then copy the data folder of the destination company and use it in another computer.
Export masters from Source Company, then copy export file and import it in Destination Company in another computer.
Copying masters in first method are difficult as we cannot copy all the masters at a time. Only masters under individual group can be copied at a time.
The second method is easier than the first one due to the following reason
We can copy all the masters, all the ledgers, all the groups at a single click.
We can export masters even from Tally7.2 and import in Tally ERP9
How to export and import maters in tally?
At first we want to export all the masters in XML (eXtensible Markup Language.)Format.
To export masters from Tally ERP9
Go to Gateway of Tally>>Display>>List of Accounts
At the top of the screen you can see and Export button click on it or Use short cut key ALT+E.
Export Screen will appear, Press backspace
Select the option as follows
Language: Default (All Languages)
Format: Must be XML Format, select ‘XML (data interchange)’ from the list
Export Location: Let the default selection be there, this is the folder where XML file exported.
Output File Name: Type the name of the file, the file name must be ended with an extension xml. For example, ‘Master.xml’.
Open Exported folder: Select ‘Yes’ for this option. If you set yes The exporting folder will open automatically after export.
And at the end and very important option
Where you can choose the complete masters or selected masters.
Type of masters: Select the master you a want to export, here you have the following options to select. Tally ERP9 provides you a variety of options to export. You can export masters according to the below list.
Here select ‘All masters’ as we are exporting entire company.
Export Closing balance as opening: when this option is set to ‘NO’ the closing balance of the ledgers will not export as opening balance; you set this to Yes the closing balance of ledgers will export as opening.
Now press enter tally will ask confirmation for export and accept the screen.
Tally will complete the export and open the folder, inside the folder there is an xml file with the name given.
We have completed the exporting, Copy the xml file and paste into the new computer you want to import.
How to import masters in tally
The same method can be adopted for importing the masters from one company to another in the same computer also.
Open the company in which you want the masters to be copied, then
Go to Gateway of Tally>>Import Of Data>>Masters
Press enter
A screen will appear to enter the import details
In the import of master screen you will find the following option
Import file name: Here enter the xml file name. If the xml file exists (copied to) inside tally software folder (C:/TallyERP9) type file name only.
For Example: Master.xml
If file name exists outside the tally folder type the complete path of the file.
For example: D:/export/Master.xml
Treatment of entries already existing: There are three options for the treatment
- Combine Opening balance: It combines the existing opening balance and importing opening balance. The opening balance inside the xml file and inside the importing company will add if ledger of the same name exists.
- Ignore Duplicates: If the same ledger name exists in importing company, the existing balance in the importing company ledger will not change.
- Modify with new data: This means that the importing balance will update in importing company, or the existing balance will have overwritten.
Select whatever option you required and press enter
Now all the masters will have imported in the new company.Check the ledgers, Groups, and all other masters inside the new company
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