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Add Parameters on “System and General GL Setup” Front Accounting

In this case, we want to add 2 parameters for production: default credit labor account and default credit overhead account. First, browse the TB_PREF+sys_prefs table then add 2 records like the picture below.

After this, open file “\admin\gl_setup.php”, then find code and modify it like the picture below.

//Add by : Andik
'default_workorder_creditlabour_act', 'default_workorder_creditovrhead_act',

//Add by : Andik
$_POST['default_workorder_creditlabour_act'] = $myrow['default_workorder_creditlabour_act'];
$_POST['default_workorder_creditovrhead_act'] = $myrow['default_workorder_creditovrhead_act'];

//Add by : Andik
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Credit Labour Account:"), 'default_workorder_creditlabour_act', $_POST['default_workorder_creditlabour_act']);
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Credit Overhead Account:"), 'default_workorder_creditovrhead_act', $_POST['default_workorder_creditovrhead_act']);

It’s done, and this is the result.

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