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Difference between static and dynamic website

First of all, you must be aware of what is a static website, and what is a dynamic website? Or what is the difference between static and dynamic websites?

Static website is a basically a fixed layout or content that is unable to change or update by a non-technical person. A static website is used to display some information on the website that the user can view, but it is not used for regular updates. If you want to update some data so you can not able to do it from  your end. You always need some programming expert that have complete knowledge of website development.

But it is good for small business or startup businesses to make your website static and if you have a small budget to design your website so we always recommend you go with a static website.

Advantages of static websites

  1. Fast to develop
  2. A static website is cheaper than dynamic
  3. Cheap to host a website.
  4. Easy to load.
  5. The static website is lighter than a dynamic website.

Disadvantages of static websites

  1. You can’t update the website from your end, always require some technical person to do this.
  2. The content is fixed.
  3. For regular updates, the maintenance charges will arise.

On the other hand, a dynamic website has a lot of functionality and advantage over that. A dynamic website is useful if you want a regular update on your website to show information to the user.

Basically, the cms website is more useful for blogger type of website, you want to share some information on a regular basis and keep your visitor always updated about your service and product.

Dynamic website development in Mumbai is much higher but it’s a one-time cost and mostly good for future updates. You do not need any web developer and programmer to do the changes. You can place news and events directly through the browser interface, no need to aware of coding and programming language.

Advantages of dynamic websites

  1. Much more functional website
  2. Much easier to update
  3. New content brings people back to the site and helps in the search engines
  4. Can work as a system to allow staff or users to collaborate

Disadvantages of dynamic websites

  1. Slower / more expensive to develop
  2. Hosting costs a little more

What is the benefit of us:

Our team will provide you training that covers the addition of new pages, deletion of existing pages, website content modifications and updates, image changes, and so on. That will save your website maintenance cost that much higher. We also plan for our client, if the client does not have time to learn and they want some user manual that will help to understand the overall structure of the cms website and you can do by your end.

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