Fixing Costing Calculation Issue In FrontAccounting 2.4
To fix it, just open file : \manufacturing\includes\db\ with text editor like Notepad++, Atom, Sublime Text, etc.
Find this code :
if ($qty > 0 && ($qoh != -$qty))
$avg_cost = ($avg_cost*($qoh+$qty_delayed)+$unit_cost*$qty_new)/($qoh+$qty);
then replace with this code :
if ($qty > 0 && ($qoh != -$qty))
$avg_cost = ($avg_cost*($qoh+$qty_delayed)+$unit_cost*$qty_new)/($qoh+$qty);
//Add by : Andik Mabrur
$avg_costbfr = $avg_cost;
if ($qty > 0 && ($qoh != -$qty))
$qohbfr = $qoh - $qty;//Qty on-hand before
if($qohbfr == 0)
$avg_cost = $unit_cost;
else if($qohbfr > 0)
$avg_cost = (($avg_cost * $qohbfr) + ($unit_cost * $qty)) / $qoh;
if($avg_costbfr == 0)
$avg_cost = $unit_cost;
$avg_cost = (abs($avg_cost * $qohbfr) + ($unit_cost * $qty)) / (abs($qohbfr) + $qty);
this issue has been fixed in FrontAccounting version 2.44, so if you have new implementation just use 2.44 version or later.
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