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5 White Hat SEO Techniques to Double Your Traffic


Google consider thousands of signals or parameters while determining the ranking of the page. Working on the strategy which carries more weight and optimizing accordingly will provide a huge amount of traffic to your page. Here are few white hat SEO strategies which you can follow to gather more traffic on your website.

Mobile First

Make your website mobile-friendly if you want to rank high among the other websites. Google considers only mobile-friendly websites to stay on top ranking even if non-mobile-friendly websites are better than them. If your website or page is not user-friendly or mobile friendly you will likely to take a hit in the SERPs. It will create a drastic effect on your ranking if you are using the PPC for marketing purposes. Google specifically said that pages, where content is not user-friendly on the transition from phone search, won’t rank high. Make your website responsive so that it can rank high while searching for the specific keywords.

Focus on User Experience (UX)

Google has always laid more emphasis on having a good user experience. The websites which follows all the updated algorithms provided by Google stays on the top no matter what. The cleaner the code you use the better user experience you will provide. According to a study from the Oxford Journal says that the goal of user experience is to maintain the loyalty of the customer by increasing customer satisfaction. It can only be achieved if the user can interact with ease and pleasure with the product. Hence while developing a website, first analysis the customer’s requirement and provide them a smooth navigation. Test your final code more than one time so that if you find any bug you can remove it on spot, and can present a bug-free website to your customers or users.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is still the most important task. Search keyword which suits your business from keyword planner tool of Google analytics. With the recent update Google has stopped showing the exact searches for the specific keyword in the specific area; instead, it now only provides the exact range in which the searches fall. So you can also find the exact searches from two of the largest SEO tool providers Ahrefs and Moz. The present generation of keyword research first asks for parent topic and keyword groups. By filling the appropriate details one can easily get the relevant keywords in the specific genre. Just pay close attention to what will suit your business more and go for that phrase. Always select long tail keywords for better results.

Make a Content Marketing plan better than the rest

Content is always Google’s one of the top priorities for ranking the websites, so it is must to have a right content on your website. According to a research only 37% of respondents believe that they are effective at content marketing. Rather than focusing on quantity, you must focus on relevant, original and quality content. To reach a wider number of audiences you must work hard on creating quality content which is again a very critical task. The more you focus on providing quality content to your customers, the more it will give strength to your brand. The content must be created in a way that it keeps on influencing the readers for the years to come. Time sensitive posts cannot be reused or circulated for a wider range of time. Hence take care while choosing between time sensitive or evergreen content.

Link Building

Building links are not important no one said ever. Links play a huge role in strengthening your website and improving its ranking. The key is to look for the right links which themselves carry great strength. The most important links are those which require human editorial review, links that are relevant to your niche and those that are earned. The most successful approach is to build a resource centre. It works just as any other website. Rather than just attracting a huge number of links it also helps to build trust and authority.

The crux is that you don’t have to focus on n numbers of links or strategies to rank high, instead just focus on the right path. If you follow all the white hat SEO techniques you can easily double, triple or even 10x your traffic in the coming years.

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