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Google Analytics – Free Website Analytics Tool


If you really wanna grow bigger and bigger in the field of blogging, you need to understand the fact that you need to write focusing on your target audience. So obviously for doing the same first of all you must know about your audience. You must know about all the statistics of how many daily visitors are you getting, from which country you are getting more of the visitors, on an average how many page does a visitor views, which of your contents is getting maximum visitors etc.

Now I’ll talk about the most important and the interesting part and that is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the software which tells you about all the up mentioned activities. It will give you the track of the log of your visitors.

The best statistics which can be used to analyse how your website is growing is Traffic metrics. So here I present some amazing tips which you must follow to improve the marketing of your website and it will help you in driving in more traffic.

1Long term Stats:

There are 2 types of metrics and you should analyse both of them: long term values and local values. Google Analytics displays results of the past 1 month. This will help you in analyzing which of your articles have been flourishing the most. You can also extend the Google Analytics graph to find out the trends of 3-6 months or even a year. By doing this you’ll be able to examine which of your posts are reaping maximum visitors. Be stable, it will make your blog a success.

2Audience whereabouts:

Google Analytics also tells you about the number of visitors you are getting from a particular country. Google Analytics displays a map which shows the number of visitors from all over the world. The regions colored with dark green signify more traffic regions. This will help you as now you will focus on those articles which relate to the country from where you are getting the maximum visitors.

3Articles with prevalent keywords:

Your site is best optimized when you use good keywords and your articles consist of those keywords. You can examine that how your site ranks for specific keywords and how many visitors come to your site because of those keywords on search engine. This all is examined using Google Webmaster Tools. You can study which page the visitors visit, for how much time they stay and how many pages a particular visitor visits etc.

So, basically what all you have to do is:

  1. Search for the keywords with low competition and use them in your articles, that is, optimize your posts using those keywords.
  2. Track the locations from where you are getting the maximum visitors and then upload posts which are trending in those countries.
  3. Analyse your stats and post the articles which are more like by the visitors coming on your website.
  4. Post articles at regular intervals rather than posting as and when you feel like. This also plays a major role in Search Engine Optimization.

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