How To Choose The Perfect Niche For Your Blog
Thinking to start a new Blog? So, the very first problem you might face, which most of the bloggers face in the beginning is deciding the perfect niche for your blog.
Okay. Let me ask you a question? Will anyone read your text which you would put online just like that? Take it on yourself. Will you read anything and everything I’ll post online? Naturally, you’ll nod your head in a no. Blogging is not just writing, learn How to write a blog. Blogging needs readers’ attraction, and you can only get that if you know how to talk to people in writing. When a reader is reading your content, he should not feel that he is reading something; rather he should feel that the screen is talking to him. So, the foremost thing that you need to know is that you need to select a niche to which you can remain committed for longer than an expected time. Also, if you are thinking of building a blog which will ultimately earn a living for you then you’ll have to spend most of your time on reading, writing and talking about the niche your blog is based upon.
Now the question arises how to pick the perfect niche for your blog according to your interests and the market demand.
Here are some simplified tips which would help you in selecting the niche in which you must start blogging.
The prime thing you would have to do without any choice is Brainstorming. Sit and think about what are the topics which take most of your time talking about. Think about the fields you are interested in. It can be anything from sports to fashion to entertainment or being specific like cricket in sports or apparels in fashion and so on. So you just need to draft down a list of topics you enjoy. Don’t worry about the length of the list; we will filter it in the coming tips.
If you’re getting confused and not getting proper answers by brainstorming then you can find your passion by answering these simple questions-
- What are your hobbies?
- How do you mostly spend your free time?
- What do you prefer reading?
- What do you love and enjoy doing?
And the most important one –
By answering these basic and easy questions, you will end up with some topics of your interest.
- Why Passion and Why Not Profit?
A question might be coming to your mind, why am I asking you to quest your passion and not telling you to straightaway choose the niche, the world is searching. Good question; with an even better answer. The question has already been answered by me earlier. Blogging will take you nowhere if you will only think about profit forgetting about your interest. You can’t work for a longer period if you would start working on a topic which is not of your interest. And, also you won’t be able to express yourself on any topic in a way you can do it if it is of your appeal, that is, your quality can only be delivered in the field you love. Cutting the long story short, don’t include the topics you don’t like on your list.
- Competition and Demand
Now, after we are through with our exploration and have prepared the list of our favourite topics, another step is filtration. We need to pick up the best one from the list. How to do that? I’ll explain this to you with the help of an example.
- Suppose, the niche which topped in your list is Cricket. Many of you will end up to Cricket. So should you just start your blog on Cricket? Amm, think for a minute; if you do this, you’ll have to face competition with blogs like, It might become difficult for you as a beginner to compete with these already established cricket blogs.
- Moving on to the second topper. The second topic in your list is How to decorate the wall of your house? The decoration is the second field of interest. You searched, and you came to know that there is no competition. You won’t have to face competition in this field at all. But, again take a minute, and think. How many people will search for it? Is this a topic on which you’ll get enough searches in a month or even in a year? Hence, we need to take care of the demand too.
- Therefore, conclusively, choosing a niche is not at all a tough job. You just need to create a balance among three things-
- Your interest and passion
- The level of competition you are going to face
- The modern trends or we can say the demand in the market
- Long-term Potential Topic
After satisfying the above three things, just give a little bit concern that your niche has a long-term potential. Don’t start a blog on an event which will be finished after a month or two.
I hope it would now have become immensely easier for you to choose an impeccable topic to start a blog. So, now it’s high time, get up and start with a blog on the niche you love. All The Best!
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