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How to increase Twitter followers?


Twitter is a social networking platform which allows people to publish tweets. Tweets are the short messages of maximum 140 characters which one can publish. One can also share news, broadcast any interesting information and interact with specific people across the globe. It has millions of active users with a huge number of following and followers which helps one to improve his networking with concerning people globally. Twitter has an average of 9100 tweets per second summing up to over 1 billion tweets in five days. So comparatively, Twitter is one of the largest raised areas for social networking online.

Method 1 of 3: Get More Followers Review

1. A good Profile picture with a brief but a great personal bio:

People will follow you on the basis of how your profile reflects your impression. So you need to maintain it accordingly.

  • Your profile picture must be large, clear of your own or your company logo.
  • Your bio must be in brief but very good to explain you. Write it in a clever way which can highlight your identity to impress others.
  • Maintain your profile in a way to reflect your logical image accordingly what others who follow you can expect.

2. Tweet regularly at least twice or thrice a day:

Tweet on a regular basis at least twice or thrice a day if not more, else people won’t find you worth following. Tweet anything you like but it must be interesting or useful, do not write anything silly which spoils your image socially. It is only to show that you are frequently active. So settle in your twitter agenda to get the best results.

  • Tweet at the time like early in the morning and in the evening to catch people before and after work.
  • To catch more attraction Re-tweet your well-liked tweets for the people who missed it.
  • Programs like TweetDeck etc, are very beneficial for your tweets to get scheduled and let you keep active even when you are busy.

3. The Different array of tweets to connect multiple audiences:

Twitter is a social networking site to publish tweets of maximum 140 characters still it allows you with different other options.

  • Twitter allows you to send pictures and videos.
  • Twitter by design links to Instagram, allowing you to edit photos with no difficulty.
  • Send links of some interesting articles with your opinion.
  • Comment on the trendiest happening of the day. (Use twitter’s “Moments” or “Trending” section for popular hashtags.)

4. Follow the right people:

It is a system of “give and take” which one commonly sees everywhere in his life. Same is with Twitter if you will not follow others how will you get followers. It is a tough task to get followers without following others.

  • Always follow the one who follows you.
  • Follow those people who follow people similar to you.
  • Follow the leaders of the industry you belong to.
  • Try to get a celebrity or a leader to follow you.

5. Set agenda to promote your account:

There are many other ways to boost up your account and getting more followers by promoting your account.

  • Promote your twitter account on different social networking sites. Post “Follow Me” buttons on your different social media accounts like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and link your tweets to Instagram and your blog too.
  • Discover those keywords and hashtags to find people related to your concern who like to follow you back.
  • If you use any printed material like Business cards, Flyers or any other thing, mention your twitter account there so that people can easily connect to your account.

Method 2 of 4: Gaining Followers

1. Use Hashtags:

Twitter was the first public platform which introduced hash-tags. ‘Hash-tags’ is the best way to unite with the people of similar interests. Hash-tags can also raise the visibility of your tweets.  

  • Use hash-tags in your tweets.
  • Keep an eye on trending hash-tags (follow ‘Trends” at your homepage) and tweet on the most admired hash-tags of the time.
  • Re-tweet on trends that relate to your interests and follow them time to time to improve your visibility.
  • Use common hash-tags to expand the reach of your tweets.
  • Look for your business related keywords and hash-tags.

2. Maintain supreme presentation:

While working on twitter use your best practices to make an impact on people to follow you.

  • Be informative by posting such content which is useful to people or which creates their interest in reading your content.
  • The Content you are posting must be original and the best of your knowledge.
  • Tweet quotes to inspire your followers and to get re-tweets. Quotes are one of the most re-tweeted content on twitter.
  • Tweet regarding any breaking news or happenings in the world.
  • Engage people by asking questions or give challenges to your followers. Use this to get responses and re-tweets.

3. Engage public on twitter:

To improve your followers, you need to engage people by different tactics and generate their interest in your twitter handle.

  • A great writer gets great followers, so always write as good as you can.
  • Always keep a check on the recent happenings on twitter.
  • Never do rapid tweets, it may irritate your followers.
  • Value your followers by re-tweeting them. Giving exposure to them will consider you back in the same sense.
  • Mention your followers and something interesting about them. Share it with others too.
  • Always comment if someone mentioned you on twitter.

Method 3 of 3: Increasing your visibility

1. Request for re-tweet:

Ask your followers to get your tweets re-tweeted to improve your re-tweet rate and visibility.

  • Ask you followers to re-tweet on your posts by simply using “RT” or “Re-tweet”.
  • Posting ‘RT’ will get you 12x’s higher re-tweet rate as well as posting full ‘re-tweet’ will get you 23x’s higher rate.
  • Answer or thank if someone re-tweets you.
  • Timely follow the responses coming to your tweets.

2. Examine the outcome:

Always analyze the outcome of your tactics done to improve your followers. Try to change the strategy when needed.

  • Try to monitor yourself – what people like the most in you and act accordingly.
  • You can also use “Twitter Analytics” or “Third party dashboards” to monitor your twitter handle.
  • Improve your tweeting practice and based on your outcome, engage more with the most appreciated way by your followers.


So here are some tips and advice which will help you to improve your twitter followers and to maintain a wonderful twitter handle. Twitter will be a great platform to improve your social networking individually or for your business across the web. Happy Tweeting.

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