How to make money from Amazon Affiliate
Amazon Affiliate program is one of the most lucrative options for the bloggers to turn their passion into something which generates revenue. Before we discuss how to make money using the Amazon Affiliate Program let’s learn what this program is all about.
What is Amazon Affiliate Program?
Amazon Affiliate program is a venture run by Amazon that helps blogger and online marketing specialist earn extra income by promoting one or many products offered on Amazon website. The basic working of the program consists of three major steps:
- You direct your visitors to the Amazon website utilizing your affiliate link
- The visitors make a purchase from the website
- You get a commission for each purchase made
Any purchase that the customer makes on Amazon after visiting the website through your affiliate links earns you the credit. Even if the product they purchased is not the one that you referred you still get paid.
What Should I promote Using My Blog?
Although you can promote any product mentioned on the Amazon’s website, it is best to promote things that are related to the topic of your blog. For example, if your blog is related to fitness, then promoting a particular ‘Whey protein’ sold on Amazon will seem like a good option.
So How Exactly Should I proceed?
For making revenue out of your blog you will need to follow 5 major steps:
1Start your Own Unique Blog
This is the first and the foremost step in earning money through this Amazon program. You need to have your own blog or website along with quality content. Focus on getting your site designed with the help of popular CMS such as Word Press etc. as they are free, and the only investment you would make is the time spent in designing the site.
Choose a topic that you personally like and writing about it won’t seem a burden to you. This way you would consistently provide quality content on your website and hence more traffic would be directed to your page. Also, make use of social media in promoting the blog you have started. To sum up, the first step requires you to establish a good website that drives in a lot of traffic.
2Get enrolled in Amazon Affiliate Program
Once you have set up a distinguishable image of your blog or website, the next step is to register for the affiliate program. Registering for this program is very easy and absolutely free. You can get the detailed step by step guide for registering for this program on the Amazon’s official website.
3Start with the Blog Posts and Reviews
Now once you have registered your blog or website, this is the time when your actual work begins. Now you have to apply all your marketing and blogging skills to promote products related to your blog. Don’t be disappointed as the progress in the initial phase is generally slow. Start by reviewing right products and use right keywords in order to target the right audience.
Don’t think that you will achieve an overnight success or you will start earning from the first post that you write. It is your consistency and quality of content that will make your business flourish.
4Linking To Amazon
Now that you have your contents well written and blog well established, it’s time to link to the Amazon website. While writing a review or promoting a particular product you can visit the Amazon affiliate page and fetch the link of the product you are referring too. After fetching, this link includes a hyperlink in your blog which leads to this product.
You can even get banners of these products on the Amazon affiliate page once you have been accepted as the affiliate, which you can utilise on the sides of your web page.
5Increase Your Profits and Optimize Your Content
Once you have got your blog running successfully and have linked numerous products to your site, it is the time to optimise the content you have included so that you have a streamline flow of income. Some things that you can try doing include:
- Updating new links regularly into the site as the links once clicked by the visitor expires after 24 hours for that particular visitor. Therefore, including new links gives you a chance to increase your earnings significantly,
- Amazon has numerous products on its site, so try to incorporate as many links as you can with time to increase your earning significantly.
- Amazon pays you on any purchase that is made using the referral link provided by you. Hence, share these links with your friends and family members and ask them to use it within 24 hours as the link expires after this time.
- Adding widgets to your blog and site provided by the Amazon can help you suggest products to your visitors and hence again provide an easy way of increasing the income significantly.
- Products with higher value tend to pay more, therefore try to include numerous products that are doing well in market and are available at a lower price on Amazon.
- Try to release a list with the top-selling products or highly recommended products every month or every quarter. This will drive more traffic to your website and you will gain more trust of the people who will result in higher income.
- Try to increase posts based on numerous occasions such as Christmas etc. This is the time when people tend to shop more and hence a list of recommended buys for Christmas will help them significantly. Try to cash in on such opportunities as Amazon does eventually.
- At last try to include numerous SEO strategies and improve in aspects of Keyword density, short URL’s etc. More the people will read on your site, more clicks you will have on the links that you have provided.
Earning through Amazon is easy, provided that you are familiar with some basic SEO practices and possess basic marketing skills. And you can easily learn and develop these skills by reading various knowledgeable articles provided in this portal. You can learn anything and everything related to Blogging and Digital Marketing, which will eventually help you in generating revenue from your blog. Amazon Affiliate is just one of the numerous ways to earn from Affiliate Marketing; you can have a lot more in this vast ocean of Affiliate Marketing.
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