Why to choose WordPress over Other CMS?
The name WordPress has now become largely popular in the field of website development and content management. However, numerous beginners still do not know why it is beneficial to utilise WordPress as a CMS rather than other options such as Drupal etc. Therefore below we have compiled few of the advantages that WordPress offers to its customers with regards to their website or blog development.
Why WordPress?
People think that WordPress is merely a blogging platform that was founded in the year 2003. They may be partially correct as WordPress was a blogging platform in the past. However, over the years WordPress has evolved as one of the most popular Content Management Software with the help of which you can create simple blogs as well as large scale websites.
The reason for its high demand is the flexibility and easy to use functions that it offers. In a recent survey, it was found that around 25% of the websites on web are developed with the help of WordPress. Not only a small organisation but large scale companies such as Facebook, Sony etc. are using this as well for creation of their web applications.
So let us see what features does WordPress offers to bloggers or developers over other CMS:
1It is Free
The prime reason for WordPress being so popular among people is it being an open source. You just need to download and install the software and you are good to go. You can utilise the software to design a sort of website, blog, newsfeed, podcast etc. and modify the features according to your needs.
This software is known to contain around 2600+ themes and 30,000+ plugins that are easy to download and utilise. To run this software, all you need is a web hosting and domain. This community software is maintained with the help of group of volunteers most of which are WordPress consultant. As this software is open source anyone can provide his/her input and modify the functionality of this software.
By using this software you become a part of ever growing WordPress community and can get your doubts and query resolved by the group of experienced individuals.
2This software is Easy to Learn
Every day numerous users are entering the WordPress community by making their WordPress powered websites. The reason for this rapid growth of consumers is due to its ease of learning and highly interactive user interface. There are numerous people to help you out in case you feel any issue and there are tutorials available on the WordPress site to help you easily install and work with this software.
3This software is very easily extendable
People who utilise WordPress are mostly designers not developers. Rather they are not even designers they are mere beginners trying their hands at this software. WordPress possesses a feature of easy extendibility due to the presence of numerous themes and plugins which allow you to give your website any appearance and functionality.
These themes available in the software can also be customised and they come with options to change color, design, and upload a logo and many other functions. You are able to perform majority of the customization very quickly without even writing a single line of code.
4Is Search Engine Friendly
The WordPress has been written in high quality code that is deemed as attractive by modern search engines. Any website or blog you develop using this software tends to acquire the WordPress architecture and hence is ranked higher.
Moreover, WordPress offers you a choice of optimizing your content produced using the SEO plug-in.
5Software is Easy to Manage
As mentioned before, WordPress is easily customizable and can be learned by almost anyone in a short span of time. The software has been loaded with inbuilt updater that tends to update the plug-ins and themes. These changes can be controlled easily with the help of admin panel provided. WordPress also automatically informs you in case there is an update available. It also provides data backup facility and you can set up automated backup to keep your data safe and secured.
6It is very much Safe and Secure
WordPress has been created keeping in mind the security and safety of a website. But, there are always chances of intrusions and hacking. WordPress recommends a ‘Sucuri’ tool to be included with the site developed so that there is a regular monitoring of threats and errors.
7Can Handle Multiple Types of Media
WordPress has not only been designed to manage written content. The software allows you to work with the audio, video and images as well. It is very easy to include audio and video in your posts, by simply providing it with the URL.
It also provides the facility to include videos and images in comments posted by the users.
8It secures your websites future as well
WordPress has been developed to meet the ever changing demands of its customers. So, in case, in future you want to grow your simple blog into a revenue growing venture, WordPress will help you make this change with ease. Also, it has been seen that people tend to modify or re develop their blogs or sites in 2-3 years and hence WordPress will serve as the optimal solution for this change. Using WordPress will not only secure the website for now but ensure it for future as well.
9Easy integration with numerous platforms
WordPress offers easy integration with most large platforms and applications and hence allows your blog or site to become a part of large scale business or enterprise.
10Minimizes cost to the most extent
As most of the work and functionalities have already been included, therefore, there is no need of developers or technical specialists. The users save both money and time.
There is large number of CMS available in the market with numerous different features. However, no other CMS tends to provide a greater UI than WordPress. In case you are a passionate blogger or small business owners than WordPress is the best solution for producing content driven and dynamic websites.
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