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5 Best Java Script Frame Works in 2017

Javascript has played the most important role in the enhancement of web and mobile applications. Javascript has evolved into such a robust strength that nearly 94% of all the web uses it for client-side programming. There are lots of frameworks are available today, it seems like almost every other week there is a new JS library people are gushing about.

In these articles, we highlight 5 most important javascript frameworks.

1. ReactJS

ReactJS is one of the most communes about Javascript libraries of the last year, maintained and developed by Facebook engineers along with individual contributors community.

It’s an open-source library for creating wonderful user interfaces. The notability of React can only be accomplished by the 1000 contributors (Github) and the host of websites using it, including Airbnb, Netflix, Imgur, and Walmart to name a few.

ReactJS is not an MVC framework, it’s just a Javascript library that transferor the view. React allows developers to create large web-applications that use data that can change over time, without reloading the page. It aims primarily to provide speed, simplicity, and scalability

2. AngularJS

AngularJS is a one of the most important products of google that maintained the Javascript framework, it was created to address the challenges that occurred during the development of single-page applications. It’s a great extent popular framework, the sixth most starred project of all time on Github. A large variation of web apps and websites are built using AngularJS, including PayPal, Udemy, Weather.com, and the Guardian, along with a cluster of Google sites.

Angular is an MVC type framework with two-way data imperative being its most remarkable feature. Two-way data binding espouses the backend of any templating responsibilities. Whenever there is a data change, modification happens on both model and view side enabling you to build highly reusable view components.

AngularJS is massively popular, with over 10,000 sites currently using it (according to Libscore). It is one of the best frameworks to use for building complicated web applications as well as single-page applications.

3. MeteorJS

MeteorJS is an open-source Javascript framework built using Node.js, specifically for rapid prototyping. The framework was developed by the Meteor Development Group, a startup backed by YCombinator and funded by Andreessen Horowitz.

It’s a complete framework that uses Javascript on both client-side and server-side, with lots of features for backend development, frontend development, business logic, and database management. Being a full-stack framework, Meteor has a tassel of advantages to offer. For one, it comes bundled with several built-in features, such as reactive templates, automatic CSS, and JS minification on the production server. Hot code reload means that any change in the database is reflected on the UI without any time loss. Meteor also comes with its own custom package manager called atmosphere.js which has over 2,600 smart packages.

Since its launch in 2012, Meteor has drastically grown in popularity and is currently being used by some big names like Honeywell, IKEA, and Qualcomm.

4. BackboneJS

Backbone is a single file JavaScript framework developed by Jeremy Ashkenas of the CoffeeScript and Underscore.js fame. Being a lightweight framework, insomnia popular with developers looking to give some form to their JavaScript applications quickly.

It is especially popular for developing single-page applications.

Backbone is based on the MVP (model – view – presenter) design instance which itself is a derivative of the MVC architecture. It provides models with key-value binding and custom events for handling data changes, Views have declarative handling, while the Router handles URL and state management. All in all, a pretty solid framework for building single-page applications quickly and easily.

With over 26,000 stars on the Github repo, Backbone is being used by some really big names like Airbnb, Pinterest, Trello, and Reddit.

5. Node.JS

The main consideration of Node.js is to utilization non-blocking, event-driven I/O to stay lightweight and potential in the face of data-intensive real-time apps that run across multiple devices.  In simple words, Node.JS is used for conspicuous reasons to supply out particular requirements.

Node Features

It helps build fast and scalable network applications, as it’s competent in handling a huge number of simultaneous connections with high throughput, which brings out high scalability. If you want an entire JavaScript environment fully featured with all the tools, Node.js development can be ideal for you.

There are a ton of Javascript frameworks, and choosing these 4 are purely a personal/professional preference. If you have a personal favorite that we haven’t listed above, do let us know in the comments section below!

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